Sunday, November 9, 2008

People's Liberation Army in the future surface combat system (1)

2008-06-16 09:08:39 dreamtodeath 大旗军事
到2020年,美军的 DD1000,LCS 将陆续服役;日本的 19DD 通用驱逐舰,两万吨级的 DDH (直升机 HM 可能搭载 JSF ),已进入东海;韩国的 KDXII, KDX III,大量服役,以及至少 3 艘直升机 HM (有可能搭载 JSF )。解放军2020年后的未来水面作战舰只将面临不现在更加严峻的威胁与挑战。届时,051型旅大级驱逐舰(x14)和90年以前的053型江湖级护卫舰(x29 -053h2之前)都需要替换。以10年后,我国的经济实力和科技水平的预计为基础,此文就我海军未来的水面作战舰只做了一些展望。

那时,我们的经济科技实力比现在有很大的提高,但还不能与日美相比,经济上也许可以与日本相当。本人认为类似 DD(X)的通用驱逐舰不适合中国海军。类似日本的高低搭配,多种类搭配,比较适合我们。同时也参照英国的 S2C2,美国的 DD1000/LCS,由大型远洋舰 队与小型近海舰只两个系列舰船组成。海军将由近海防御转为远洋舰队战略,大型舰只的主要任务是对海作战。近海防御的任务将由较小的近海防御舰(小护)来完 成。武器系统采用通用的模块化设计,由不同的组合达到所需功能,达到最佳的性价比。在将来,中国海军需要更多的大型舰只,来配合 HM 编队,以及独立攻击编队(我们的 HM 数量有限)。那时候我们肯定会有 HM,这里就不包括了。

从现在起,054A会在一段时间内继续批量建造,来弥补我军大型舰只的数量。但是,类似 054A 这种4000吨级的舰艇很难成为我军未来远洋水面作战舰队的主力,她的总数不会超过20艘。的确,在目前看来,054A 达到了一定的综合水平,但是她还是一种妥协的结果,是暂时的。主要原因是吨位还不够远洋作业,她的航速无法跟上HM舰队。054A与她的后续舰054B,可成为我军领海两栖舰队的主力。至于日常近海防 御,只用054A这样的舰只有一点过了,我军需要一种(或一系列 053X)小吨位的快速反应近海防御舰,来替换庞大的江湖级护卫舰以及037级大型导弹艇,同时填补 054A/B 与 022导弹快艇的空间。一同与改进的14艘 053H2G/053H3 江卫级,和054A/B 高低搭配执行任务。这一型近海防御舰应在2000至3000吨之间,拥有极高的航速,可以用 054B 型的动力系统,在较小的船身下可以达到较高的航速。类似霉菌的 LCS,用于近海防御,救援,扫雷等任务。我军的需求量在40艘以上,造价不到054B的一半,具有一定的点御能力,不具备区域防空能力。 她很有可能与 054B 同一时间出现,与054B二比一搭配。


2000-3000 吨级的多用途高速近海控制舰

1 x 76 毫米速射炮 AHEAD弹
1 x 近程防御系统 Missile (up to 10 km)
8 x C805 反舰导弹
1 x 直15直升机
2 x 快艇

1. 动力系统,将054A的 CODAD 进化为柴燃混合电力驱动 IEPS/CODAG,达到航速与航程的最佳结合。类似德国 Meko A200/Type45

2. 近程防御系统,730近防炮的体积过大,重量太重,还有很多改进空间。

3. 电子设备的整合,有可能使用小型 较廉价的有源相控阵雷达(>60km),替代现有的火控照射雷达引导防空导弹,以达到同时拦截多个目标。改进(顶板)三维搜索雷达(>200km)用于对空对海的远距离扫描。
4. 进一步的整合雷达/红外隐身设计。


3000-4000 吨级的通用舰

1 x 76 毫米速射炮
4 x 8 单元通用VLS
2 x 近程防御系统 Machine Gun (up to 3 km)
8 x C805 反舰导弹
1 x 直15直升机

大型远洋作战舰只是我军最缺乏的。她的发展思路已经是很明确的了,一型通用舰,与一型防空舰。对于我军未来的防空导弹驱逐舰的发展,本人认为不会有太大的变数,总结目前051C/052C使用的经验,发展出一型适合我军的防空舰,搭载远程相控阵雷达,配高空/轨道搜索雷达 。但是在可预见的将来,我们还不可能有一款完全定型的专职防空舰。由于使用了大型相控阵雷达,电子探测系统可以得到一定的简化,但是超远距离的搜索雷达还是有必要的,也可用于将来的战略反导系统。

。四面控阵雷达可以分布在前后两座电器塔上,分别在动力系统的换气塔(烟囱)前后,来达到最好的检测视角。烟囱可以整合到前后电器塔之间,类似 DDX 的设计。由于远洋舰会担负许多不同的任务,大通甲板的设计科技提供不同任务所需的空间。虽然目前很流行全封闭式的舰体和舰桥,甲板的空间仍然是非常重要的。从舰桥到机库顶的全通甲板设计为不同的任务与设备提供了可能需要的空间。

6000-8000 吨级的远洋舰(防空型)

1 x 155 毫米舰炮
16 x 8 单元通用VLS
2 x 近程防御系统 Missile
8 x C805 反舰导弹
2 x 直15直升机

然而我们的大型通用舰是很值得斟酌的。虽然目前的通用舰主要用于反潜,但是其他的任务在将来会越来越突出,比如对地/岛攻击支援,以及人道主义援助。这些 功能都是目前我军舰只所没有的。不少朋友(包括本人)曾经认为这一型通用舰可能会是从 054A/052B 发展而来。但是,经过对任务的分析,我认为这是一型独立发展的全新的舰种,主要是因为所需的吨位。这型通用舰可能拥有与专职防空舰同样的吨位,并通用一种 舰体,拥有加长的直升机甲板,加高的机库与多功能单元空间。当然,她的武器装备会与 054B 类似。拥有一定的防空能力,搭载中程相控阵雷达(小盾),远程对空/海搜索雷达。可变的内部直升机库空间,可快速改装为不同的功能模块。

6000-8000 吨级的远洋舰(多用途型)

1 x 155 毫米舰炮
2 x 76 毫米速射炮
8 x 8 单元通用VLS
2 x 近程防御系统 G
8 x C805 反舰导弹
2 x 直15直升机
2 x 快艇





People's Liberation Army in the future surface combat system (1)
2008-06-16 09:08:39 dreamtodeath military banner
By 2020, the U.S. military DD1000, LCS will be served; Japan's general 19DD destroyer, the 20,000-ton DDH (helicopter carrying HM may JSF), has entered the East China Sea; Korea KDXII, KDX III, a large number of service, as well as at least 3 helicopters HM (with the possibility JSF). People's Liberation Army in 2020 after the future of surface warfare ships will not now face more serious threats and challenges. At that time, 051 Luda-class destroyers (x14) and 90 years of martial-053 class frigates (x29-053h2 before) need to be replaced. 10 years later, China's economic strength and scientific and technological level is expected, based on article I of the Navy's surface combat ships in the future to do a number of prospects.

At that time, our economic strength, science and technology than it is now greatly improved, but it can not be compared to Japan and the United States, the economic might of Japan quite. I think similar to the DD (X) destroyer is not common for Chinese navy. Japan, with similar high and low, with many types, we are more appropriate. At the same time in the light of Britain's S2C2, the United States DD1000/LCS, by and large ocean-going fleet of small ships offshore vessels composed of two series. Navy will be to ocean-going fleet offshore defense strategy, the main task of large-scale ships on the sea battle. The task of coastal defense will be the smaller coastal defense ship (small and Conservation) to complete. Weapons systems to adopt a common modular design, made up of different combinations to achieve the required functions to achieve the best value for money. In the future, China needs more large-scale naval ships, to cope with the HM formation, as well as the formation of an independent attack (a limited number of our HM). At that time we will certainly be HM, is not included here.

From now on, 054A would be for a period of time to continue to build volume to make up for the army in the number of large ships. However, similar to that 054A of the 4,000-ton ship is difficult in the future of our military into combat fleet of ocean-going water main, she will not be the total number of more than 20. Indeed, it seems, 054A reach a certain level of comprehensive, but she is also a result of a compromise is temporary. The main reason is not enough tonnage ocean-going operations, she can not keep up with the speed of HM Fleet. 054A and follow-up to her ship 054B, the territorial waters of our military can be a fleet of amphibious force. As for the day-to-day coastal defense, the only way 054A of the ship had only one point, our military needs a (or a series of 053X) small tonnage of rapid response coastal defense ship, a huge arena to replace the frigate-class missile boats and 037 large-scale, At the same time, to fill the 054A / B with room for 022 missile boats. Together with the improved 14 053H2G/053H3 Jiang Wei-class, and 054A / B with high or low duties. The coastal-defense ship should be between 2000-3000 t with a high speed, can-054B of the power system, in the small boat can reach a higher speed. Similar to the mold of LCS, for coastal defense, rescue, mine-clearing missions. The demand for our military in more than 40, cost less than half of the 054B, has a capacity of Royal Point, the region does not have the air defense capability. She is likely to occur at the same time and 054B, and 054B with a two to one.

Coastal waters of multi-purpose high-speed ship control

2000-3000 ton multi-purpose high-speed ship offshore control

100 meters long, 15 meters wide, 4 meters draft
Speed: 35
The main weapons systems are as follows:
1 x 76 mm shells Su Shebao AHEAD
1 x short-range defense system Missile (up to 10 km)
8 x C805 anti-ship missile
1 x straight 15 helicopters
2 x speed

As for the 054B, in 054A on the basis of continuous improvement developed. The main improvement is likely to look:
1. Dynamical systems, 054A of the evolution of CODAD for diesel fuel mixed power-driven IEPS / CODAG, speed and range to achieve the best combination. Similar to the German Meko A200/Type45

2. Short-range defense system, nearly 730 Fangbao size is too large, too much weight, there are a lot of room for improvement.

3. The integration of electronic devices, it is possible to use a small low-cost active phased array radar (> 60km), the replacement of fire-control radar exposure to lead anti-aircraft missiles, at the same time in order to intercept a number of objectives. To improve the (roof) three-dimensional search radar (> 200km) for the long-range air-to-sea scan.
4. To further the integration of radar / infrared stealth design.

If the speed and seaworthiness of the ocean to meet the requirements, she can serve as a common ocean-going ship's complement.

3000-4000 General-ton ship

130 meters long, 15 meters wide, 5 meters draft
Speed: 30
The main weapons systems are as follows:
1 x 76 mm Su Shebao
4 x 8 unit General VLS
2 x short-range defense system Machine Gun (up to 3 km)
8 x C805 anti-ship missile
1 x straight 15 helicopters

Large ocean-going ships to make only the least of our military. Her development has been very clear, a general-ship, anti-aircraft and a warship. For the future of our army's air defense missile destroyer, I think that there will not be much of the variables, summed up the current 051C/052C use of the experience of the development of a type suitable for our army's air defense ship, carrying long-range phased array radar with high-altitude / Search radar track. But in the foreseeable future, we can not have a complete shape of a full-time air defense ship. Due to the large-scale use of phased-array radar, electronic detection system must be simplified, but the ultra-long-range search radar is necessary, can also be used for future strategic anti-missile systems.

. Four-array radar can be distributed before and after two electrical towers, the power system in the ventilation tower (chimney) before and after, to achieve the best detection angle. Can be integrated into the chimney before and after the electrical tower, similar to the design of the DDX. As the ocean-going ships will be responsible for a number of different tasks, Chase deck design technology to provide the necessary space for different tasks. Although very popular and goes all-closed bridge, the deck space is still very important. From the bridge to the top of the hangar deck of all-pass design for different tasks and equipment may need to provide the space.

People's Liberation Army in the future surface combat system
Air-ocean-going ship

6000-8000 ton ocean-going ship (air-)

160 meters long, 20 meters wide, 5 meters draft
Speed: 30
The main weapons systems are as follows:
1 x 155 mm guns
16 x 8 unit General VLS
2 x short-range Missile Defense System
8 x C805 anti-ship missile
2 x straight 15 helicopters

However, we have a large general-ship is well worth the discretion. Although the general for anti-submarine ship, but other tasks in the future will become increasingly prominent, such as on / support attacks on the island, as well as humanitarian assistance. These features are currently only ship I do not have. A lot of friends (including myself) who think that the general-ship is likely to come from the development of 054A/052B. However, after the mandate of the analysis, I think this is a type of independent development of new types of ships, mainly because of the required tonnage. This ship-General may have full-time air defense ship with the same tonnage, and a general goes, the longer has a helicopter deck, the height of the hangar space and multi-functional unit. Of course, her arms and equipment would be similar to the 054B. Have a certain air defense capabilities, with medium-range phased array radar (small shield), long-range air / sea search radar. Variable internal helicopters library space can be quickly converted into a different function modules.

People's Liberation Army in the future surface combat system
Multi-purpose ocean-going ship

6000-8000 ton ocean-going ship (multi-)

160 meters long, 20 meters wide, 5 meters draft
Speed: 30
The main weapons systems are as follows:
1 x 155 mm guns
2 x 76 mm Su Shebao
8 x 8 unit General VLS
2 x short-range defense systems G
8 x C805 anti-ship missile
2 x straight 15 helicopters
2 x speed
Unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned mini-submarine

People's Liberation Army in the future surface combat system
Front / back


Short-range defense system

The current short-range defense system has two main trends, the small anti-aircraft missiles (Ram) and multi-Su Shebao (730). Two in each of which has its advantages, it is difficult to be completely replaced, the gun-in-one system is largely meaningless. Short-range defense system should be prepared with the ship's air defense system.

053X-defense system is a short-range high-speed offshore control of the ship only defense, short-range air defense missile-defense system and give the defense more opportunities.
054B/052- and general ocean-going ships and frigates of the multi-purpose type has a medium-range air defense systems, and short-range air defense missile-defense system would be duplication of functions, multi-barrel-Su Shepao short-range defense system would be a medium-range air defense systems compared With reasonable.
- There are long-range air defense missiles, air-ocean-going ship should be with short-range air defense missile-defense system to give second-tier defense.

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