Sunday, October 4, 2009

PLA navy Threat!

海军副司令员丁一平 资料图片

新华网北京9月29日电题:海军参阅装备陆海空齐全 来自三大舰队代表五大兵种——海军副司令员丁一平深度解读海军受阅装备新看点


“海军是战略性、综合性、国际性军种,装备技术复杂,种类多,型号多。”海军副司 令员、国庆阅兵联合指挥部副总指挥丁一平29日接受新华社记者采访时表示,由于受阅兵规模和舰艇不宜在国庆阅兵中展示的限制,海军这次参加国庆阅兵的装备 只是海军主战装备的一小部分,但都是我国自行设计建造并首次在国庆阅兵中亮相的新装备。



一是受阅部队来自海军的三大舰队、五大兵种及院校,体现了现代中国海军合成性军种 的特色;二是受阅装备都是海军新一代主战装备,是已经形成规模作战能力的装备,体现了现代人民海军的实际作战能力;三是受阅部队都是从海军旅团级单位建制 内派出的,体现了现代人民海军整建制部队的实际训练和管理水平;四是受阅海军官兵全部都身着新式军服,所有的装备都喷涂新式海洋迷彩,体现了现代人民海军 威武之师、文明之师的崭新形象。


“首次亮相的05式两栖步战车,是海军陆战队新一代主战装备。”丁一平介绍说,这 种步战车信息化程度较高,安装了先进的火控系统、卫星定位系统、夜视系统、一体化通讯系统等,车内作战人员能通过安装在车内的信息终端互通互联。同时,新 型两栖步战车火力系统得到全面提升,装备了反坦克导弹、速射炮和高射机枪,能有效应对来自坦克和直升机的威胁。


新型舰空导弹可垂直发射 能拦截各种空中目标


新型导弹武器系统进行了模块化设计,采用了先进的垂直发射技术,配备有先进的多功 能相控阵雷达,可以全天候、全方位、多批次、多方向拦截来袭的空中目标,特别是具有较强的拦截多目标和超低空、掠海飞行导弹的能力,且反应时间短、抗干扰 能力强、毁伤概率高,可根据舰艇的实际情况灵活配置火力。“新型防空导弹的入列,全面提升了海军舰艇的防空作战能力。”丁一平说。


反舰导弹主要担负打击敌大中型水面舰船及编队的作战任务,已经全面装备海军的各型 舰艇、潜艇和战机,标志着海军的主战兵力已全面具备精确打击能力。参加这次阅兵的“鹰击”系列导弹是中远程反舰导弹,有舰对舰和空对舰两个型号。这两型反 舰导弹具有体积小、重量轻、射程远、威力大、突防能力强等特点。

丁一平介绍,与以前的反舰导弹相比,新型反舰导弹信息化、智能化水平有较大提 高,可进行全程航路规划,在光测、雷测、遥测、导航定位和安全控制等多个领域获得全面改进,新的网络控制系统和火控系统使得导弹发射反应时间更短、指示目 标更快、捕捉目标能力更强、打击效果更好。在近年来的实弹演习中,这个系列导弹在复杂电磁环境下的突防能力和命中精度得到充分检验。新型反舰导弹全面提升 了海军的远程精确打击能力。


丁一平说,机动岸舰导弹部队是人民海军岸防部队的重要组成部分,担负着封锁敌港 口、基地及海上航线,打击敌大中型水面舰船的使命任务。参加这次国庆阅兵的岸舰导弹装备,是对海上目标实施远程精确打击的新型武器,射程远、威力大,能有 效规避障碍物、禁飞区、敌火力圈等,导弹可超低空掠海飞行,可对敌目标实施多方向饱和攻击。

这型导弹实施机动化部署,可在沿海、平原、丘陵及山地实施快速机动、展开、发 射和撤收,并可在野外实施导弹重复装填,短时间内能再次投入战斗,具有数字化程度高、目标指示实时、控制海域广、携弹数量多、机动性能好、持续作战能力强 等特点。丁一平表示,近年来,针对武器特点,海军岸导部队已成功摸索出了一套新的战法,使这型武器的作战效能得到充分发挥。








Review, fully-equipped representatives of the five branches of the military - Navy, Ding Yiping, deputy commander of the naval review, the depth of interpretation of the new equipment, Aspect

Ding Yiping, deputy commander of the Navy Information image

Xinhua Beijing Xinhua September 29: See naval fleets equipped with air, sea and complete the three representatives from the five branches of the military - Navy, Ding Yiping, deputy commander of the naval review, the depth of interpretation of the new equipment, Aspect

Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Wanjun, Wu Dengfeng

"The Navy is a strategic, comprehensive, international military services, equipment and technology complexity and variety of multi-models." Navy Deputy Commander, Joint Command, deputy director of the National Day parade Ding Yiping, 29, an interview with Xinhua that as a ships should not be affected by the size and military parade on National Day military parade to display limitations, the Navy's participation in the National Day military parade in the equipment of the Navy only a small part of the main armament, but they are designed and built by China itself and for the first time in his National Day military parade in the appearance of new equipment.

Navy review, teams have been carefully designed side

Ding Yiping, said the Navy review, the eight side (ladder) teams have been carefully designed to reflect the various elements of the modern Chinese navy --

The first review, from the naval forces of the three fleets, five branches and institutions to reflect the combined nature of the modern Chinese navy branches of the characteristics; 2 is subject to a new generation of access equipment are the main equipment of the Navy, which has been operational capability for large-scale equipment, reflects the modern people's actual combat capability of the Navy; 3 is subject to access units are brigade-level units from the Navy sent within the establishment, reflecting the modern People's Navy's entire organizational unit practical training and management; 4 is subject to access Navy officers and men all dressed in new uniforms, all equipment is new marine camouflage spray embodies the modern People's Navy's mighty and civilized army, a new image.

Amphibious combat vehicles to enhance operational capability

"The first appearance of the 05-style amphibious infantry fighting vehicles, is a new generation of main battle equipment, the Marine Corps." Ding Yiping, said that a higher degree of information infantry fighting vehicles, the installation of an advanced fire control systems, satellite positioning systems, night vision systems, integrated communications systems, in-vehicle combat personnel installed in the car through the exchange of information terminals connected. At the same time, new amphibious infantry fighting vehicles and fire system is fully upgraded equipped with anti-tank missiles, Su Shebao and anti-aircraft guns, able to respond effectively to the threat from the tanks and helicopters.

In addition, the amphibious infantry fighting vehicles of the power system is fully improved road speed, amphibious landing, troops transport and combat radius and so on to be significantly enhanced. New type of amphibious infantry fighting vehicles and equipment unit, marks the main equipment of the Marines I have access to the world advanced level.

The new ship-to-air missiles may be able to intercept a variety of vertical launch air target

Ding Yiping, said that the main mission of ship-to-air missiles in the fight against incoming air targets. The acceptance of review of "Red Sea" series of ship-to-air missiles are long-range, medium-range two models, the major equipment in the domestic new missile destroyers, frigates and other large and medium-sized surface ships, could be responsible for vessel formation in the remote area air defense missions.

New type of missile weapon systems, the modular design, using advanced vertical launch technology and are equipped with advanced multi-function phased array radar, can be all-weather, all-round, multi-batch, multi-directional intercept incoming aerial targets, in particular has a strong multi-target interception and super low, sea-skimming missile capabilities, and the short reaction time, anti-interference ability, high kill probability, the actual situation according to the ship's firepower flexible configuration. "The new anti-aircraft missiles into the column, improving overall air combat capability of naval vessels." Ding-ping.

Fully equipped with new anti-ship missile destroyers and convoy ships, submarines and fighter planes

Mainly responsible for anti-ship missile strikes against enemy surface vessels and the formation of large and medium-combat missions, has been fully equipped with various types of naval ships, submarines and fighter planes, marking the Navy's main battle force have been fully equipped precision strike capability. To participate in the parade, "Eagle attack" series of missiles are long-range anti-ship missiles, there are ship-to-ship and air-to-ship two models. These two types of anti-ship missile has a small size, light weight, long-distance, very powerful, penetration ability and so on.

Ding Ping, compared with the previous anti-ship missiles, the new anti-ship missiles, information, intelligence level has improved greatly, it can conduct full route planning, in the optical measurement, mine measurements, remote sensing, navigation, positioning and safety control and many other area fully improved, the new network control systems and missile fire control system allows a shorter reaction time, to indicate targets faster and more capable to capture targets to combat better. The live-fire exercises in recent years, this series of missiles in a complex electromagnetic environment of the penetration ability and accuracy to be fully tested. The new anti-ship missiles, a comprehensive upgrade of the Navy's long-range precision strike capability.

Shore-ship missile can be implemented a new multi-directional saturation attacks

Ding Yiping, said mobile shore-ship missiles, naval coastal defense force is the people an important part of the troops, responsible for the blockade enemy ports, bases and sea routes, the fight against enemy surface vessels and medium-sized missions and tasks. To participate in the National Day parade, shore-ship missiles and equipment are the targets on the sea of new long-range precision strike weapons, long-distance, very powerful, can effectively circumvent the barrier, no-fly zone, the enemy fire rings, etc. can be very low altitude sea-skimming missiles flight, can be the enemy targets in the multi-directional saturation attacks.

This type of missile the implementation of mobile technology deployed in coastal areas, plains, hills and mountain mobilization and launch, launch and uninstall, and can repeat the filling in the field implementation of the missile, a short time into battle again, with a high degree of digitalization, goal directed real-time, control the waters wide, carrying more than the number of shells, motor performance, sustained combat capability and so on. Ding Yiping, said that in recent years for weapons and features, the Navy shore-based missile forces have successfully worked out a new set of tactics to make this type of weapons to be fully operational effectiveness.

A new "Flying Leopard" fighter's combat capabilities greatly enhance the

Ding Yiping, said that the military parade of the Naval Air Force fighter-bomber echelon known as the "sea-air Flying Leopard." With the 50th anniversary of the parade when the "Flying Leopard" fighter than it might seem not very different from the appearance, but in fact this is the people of the Navy's new generation of multipurpose all-weather supersonic fighter-bombers, and fighter planes in the past there are big difference.

A new "Flying Leopard" fighter is equipped with advanced fire control system integrated avionics, weapons capabilities and precision strike capability to mount a substantial raise, you can mount an empty ship, open space, empty, anti-radiation missiles and laser-guided bombs, rockets, Air bombs and electronic jamming pods and other weapons and equipment, with a strong sea, and ground and air assault capability in self-defense capability.

To participate in the National Day military parade in the air echelon of the Navy's air force division from the South China Sea Fleet of an organizational mission through the rigorous training they have been far out at sea with a minimum altitude penetration, the missile attacks over the horizon, complex electromagnetic environment, and other operational combat ability to complete a variety of combat missions around the clock.

Navy officers and men are affected by access top talent to master new equipment

"Compared with the advanced weapons and equipment, more importantly, the Navy's construction of a new generation of groups of talented people." Ding Yiping, said that by reading many of the officers and men from various units of the Navy's front-line commanders, not only a solid foundation of science and culture , and have been the actual status of tempering, has grown for the Navy and the Commander of the new generation of outstanding soldier.

Ranks in the parade, both naval academies are being advanced studies undergraduate, master's and doctoral students, but also undergo a rigorous selection, training and job training to become ideological, political and professional and technical backbone of the non-commissioned officers. "There are a new generation born after 1990, sailors, they are the hope of the future development of the Navy." Ding-ping.

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